We're Your Complete
One-stop Solution for
NEET, JEE, and +2 boards,
All Under One Roof.

  • 24 x 7 x 365 Doubt-Resolution Available
  • Uniform and comprehensive study material in
    both Hindi and English
  • Engagement and interaction both in the
    classroom and in Live classes.
  • In-depth understanding of concepts

Er. S. Mishra

Founder, ESMC


Hours of Learning


Enrolled Learners



Our Courses

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NEET Courses

JEE Courses

State +2 Board

CBSE +2 Board


In order to provide students with the results they seek, ESMC Institute's live and classroom program combines the Institute's powerful pedagogy with the most up-to-date technology available to ensure that they understand and learn better. The classroom, as well as live coaching classes offered through this program, will provide students with the chance to get one-to-one mentoring from experts across the country for JEE, NEET, and +2 Board exams.

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from a Team of

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A comprehensive
Study Guide to Help You
Prepare for The Exam


Er. S Mishra

The training industry has been my career for more than 15 years. In the past 15 years, I have trained over 15,000 individuals. I provided them with training that helped them to achieve very high marks and become top performers in +2 level exams such as JEE and NEET. I am an experienced teacher with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education sector.

Holding experience as an editor, curriculum developer, and public speaker. I am a dedicated educator with a B.Sc. in Engineering concentrating in Civil Engineering from B I T Sindri, with a first-class degree. I have cracked UPSC-CES with AIR 16th. Prepared thousands of students for prestigious tests such as the JEE and NEET by authoring Practice Problems in Physics, published by Tata McGraw Hills (TMH).

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